Vol. 2 No. 1: March 2023 CJMS

As we begin our second year of publication, we are delighted to have two new contributors to this first issue. Kailai Zhong, a young student from China, has written an inciteful paper on John Milton’s references to Chaos in Paradise Lost. And in our Poetry section, Peter Mitchell, a social activist from the United States, gives us several reflections on his spiritual journey. Professor Edward Raupp, prompted by his special interest in Milton’s Lycidas, has written a comprehensive review of the pastoral elegy in not just literature, but also painting and music. Eter Churadze has translated two more of Niko Lortkipanidze’s miniatures, plus a small poem by Giorgi Leonidze. We appreciate Edward’s and Eter’s devoted contributions to our journal. We also include some lovely artwork of Ikebana arrangements by Nino Pepanishvili
I hope you will find our offerings stimulating and that they may encourage you to join the ranks of our contributors.
Warm regards,
Danna Raupp