Vol. 1 No. 3: September 2022 CJMS

My rose garden may be fading, but not the writing talents of our contributors. In this issue, Professor Edward Raupp, our Milton Scholar, gives us a Master Class in teaching John Milton’s Pastoral Elegy, “Lycidas.” It is our pleasure to present a work by a first year Master’s Degree student in Anglistics at Gori State University. For an assignment in her Shakespeare class, Anano Makhashvili chose to research the subject of Revenge in Titus Andronicus, surely one of The Bard’s bloodiest plays. It is the goal of this Journal to encourage people to write in English and we hope Anano will continue to be a contributor. Eter Churadze has given us the translation of a trio of “miniatures” by poet Niko Lortkipanidze. He has written a number of these lovely vignettes and we plan to offer more of them in future issues. In our STUDENTS section we have a paper by a second-course student in the Bachelor’s Degree program in English Philology at Gori State University. Keti Kanashvili was a participant in the first Critical Thinking course given at the university, in which students were asked to write a research paper in English. This is an extremely difficult task for non-native English speakers and we appreciated that Keti took on this challenge with enthusiasm. We are pleased to report that our Society, inspired by the Milton Society of America, has helped to inspire the foundation of the Milton Society of Africa! We have provided them with a Letter of Support, and also made a contribution of $200 which will make our Society the sponsors for a Milton Conference and the prizes for a poetry competition. Please see the End Notes for a Letter of Appreciation and a message from their Society President, Wole Adedoyin at email woleadedoyin@gmail.com
We hope you will enjoy our efforts and will consider becoming a contributor.
Best Regards,
Danna Raupp
Editor in Chief