A Literary Approach to Grammar: Teaching Complex Sentence Structures Using Milton’s <i>Samson Agonistes</i>


  • Tedo Sharadenidze


creative writing, drama, English as a Foreign Language, inductive method, Milton, qualitative, quantitative, test-teach-test method


This paper investigates how to teach students of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) complex sentence structures through the use of literary texts, particularly drama, with a focus on Milton’s Samson Agonistes. The study explores how students’ understanding, and application of periodic, loose, and antithetical sentences are improved through creative writing, enabled by the inductive test-teach-test method. Students’ abilities to recognize and create complex sentences have significantly improved, according to pre-and posttest results as well as qualitative surveys. According to the research, drama can help improve language proficiency while also encouraging critical thinking and creativity.




How to Cite

Tedo Sharadenidze. (2024). A Literary Approach to Grammar: Teaching Complex Sentence Structures Using Milton’s <i>Samson Agonistes</i>. Caucasus Journal of Milton Studies, 3(3), 6–15. Retrieved from https://cjojms.com/index.php/research/article/view/124